Hybrid as an approach.

Looks like Hybrid can be applied everywhere, whether it's a work culture or a car transmission or building apps.

I know how to write code(I doubt), so I'll talk about Apps.

What are Hybrid Apps ?

Hybrid apps are defined as multi-platform apps or writing code once still support multiple platforms (mobile, web and desktop) using browser supported languages like HTML5, CSS, JS.

It's basically a web app but behave like native apps.

What is Hybrid as an approach ?

  • Hybrid is not just limited to building apps and support multi-platforms but we can apply this approach in building web app or native apps as well.

What are you trying to say ?

  • Suppose, we're building a web app, we need a server and a client, a backend and a front end. Most of the time, frontend interactions with server is done through WebAPIs and based on the data we render the UI on client browser and populate the results. Other option, where server dynamically generates the HTML and CSS on the browser directly through the response of a browser request.

So we have two approaches here, we can render the UI on client side or we can generate dynamically from server.

Here comes the magic of Hybrid,

in Hybrid approach we can take advantage of both server and client UI rendering approaches based on the need of your app.

Hybrid Approach (1).png


How to obtain Hybrid approach ?

There are already modern frameworks available which provides you the flexibility to easily switch between the client and server-rendered approaches for different site sections based on your requirement.

Frameworks like Next.js and ASP.NET Core MVC or Razor plus Blazor are some of the examples of obtaining Hybrid approach in your application. Do check it out them.

Every feature comes with some Pros and Cons but it's upon you how you are going to take best out of it.

Let me know how you can use Hybrid approach in your apps.

Keep Building Yourself.